Let's Make Room for More Music Lovers at the Madrigal Concert! 🎡

2x Concerts

πŸ“£Β Be the first to find out!Β πŸš€

Hello, prieteni (friends)!

Are you feeling sad because you couldn't snag a ticket to the highly anticipated Madrigal concert? SO DO WE! The good news is, that we're right there with you, and we're determined to do something about it!

πŸ‘‡ Scroll Down to Sign! πŸ‘‡

The Game Plan πŸ“‹

We are working with the Madrigal Choir and the organizers to hold TWO performances on the same day. Express your interest (sign up on this page) to be the first to find out if a second concert takes place.



Why Sign Up?

1. Be the first to find out if a new concert is approved
2. More performances mean more opportunities for our wonderful community in Chicago to enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime event.
3. Community Spirit: It strongly shows solidarity and enthusiasm for Romanian culture.
4. Influence: The more signatures we have, the stronger our case will be.

How to Support πŸ–‹οΈ

1. Express your interest: It's as simple as clicking a button! The more people we have on board, the louder our voices will be.
2. Spread the Word: Share the link on social media, call your uncles, aunts, and even that Romanian bakery down the road.
3. Stay Updated: Keep an eye out on our website and social media platforms for updates.

Multumim (Thank you)! Let's enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity

Cu drag (With love),
ROCO Chicago Team

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Your support and trust mean the world to us. Together, we can turn the disappointment of "Sold Out" into a standing ovation for Romanian culture in Chicago. πŸ‡·πŸ‡΄πŸŽΆ

187 signatures so far. Help us get to 500

or Text MADRIGAL_INTEREST to +17738258624 to sign