Upcoming events:
- Training CPR/AED (TBD 2024)
2024 Events:
- Concursul international de matematica Kangaroo (3/21/24 - expenses $0)
- Sărbătorește Ziua Culturii Românești la ROCO: o seara de muzică si poezie (1/25/24 - expenses $0)
2023 Events (PR and resources):
- co-organizer of Dennis Deletant Book Tour 2023 (11/14/23)
- Theatre: Alina Serban's "The Best Child in The World" - a One-Woman Show (6/21/23)
- Please Explain Mental Health to Me: a Guide for Teens' Parents (6/17/23 - expenses $0)
- co-organizer of "Șezătoarea Sânzienelor la ROCO" (6/17/23)
Sanatate mintala - sesiune educationala (Mental Health Awareness Month - 5/15/2023 - expenses $211.47)
A list with all the recommendations discussed at the event is available here.
- Dramatic Readings from Domnica Radulescu's "Madame Monde/Madam World" (5/10/2023 - expenses $439)
- co-organizer of Romanian Healthcare Professionals Conference(4/19/2023)
- Math Kangaroo Celebration (4/7/2023 - expenses $50.48)
- Annual International Competition Math Kanagaroo (3/16/23 - expenses $0)
- 𝛑 or pie?! - matematicieni de toate varstele, din zona Chicago-ului, uniti-va! (3/11/23 - expenses $198.38)
- co-organizer of the Chicago Romanian Community Summit (2/25/23)
- Cu gandul la Eminescu - o seara de poezie, muzica si conversatie (1/16/23 - expenses $0)
2022 Events:
- Confluența dintre Religie și Știință (10/2/22)
- The Story of an Immigrant Journey - Book Signing Event with Domnica Radulescu (6/13/22 expenses $184.84)
- Greg Borzo on Chicago and How to Publish a Book (4/14/22 - expenses $500).
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