Adrian Nechiti

Founder, Vox Maris Band
I always felt that something was missing in our Community, in Chicago, a central point of connection for our people. It was a dream "if somebody would open a Community Center for all of us, that would be nice ..."

Founder, Vox Maris Band


"Am facut formatia tocmai in ideea de a promova muzica romaneasca, radacinile noastre. Tot timpul am simtit ca ne lipseste in comunitate, in Chicago, un punct de conectie a oamenilor. Era un vis 'daca cineva ar face, ce bine ar fi...'

Dar acuma ca vad ca se invart zarurile in asa fel incat avem un grup serios care vor sa vin sa investeasca timp si bani si efort, sunt primul care vreau sa ma alatur acestui efort." - Adrian Nechiti, Sep 2021

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