Asociatia Ovidiuro

Access to quality early education for disadvantaged children
OvidiuRo focuses on making early education accessible to and effective for disadvantaged children throughout Romania via teacher training, providing rich educational materials, and parent education. We focus on early literacy for children.

Access to quality early education for disadvantaged children

OvidiuRo focuses on making early education accessible to and effective for disadvantaged children throughout Romania via teacher training, providing rich educational materials, and parent education. Literacy-based projects are the core of our activity.

It is well-known that young minds need stimulation to develop, and that success in school is largely dependent on experiences during the first years of life. Children growing up in households without books, a frequent condition in poor communities, are already severely disadvantaged by the time they enter primary school, and consequently, they often drop out of school as soon as they can. Attending preschool is critical for such children. Age-appropriate books and other educational materials, as well as guided activities, set children on a path to literacy, a path that will lead to further education and can ultimately allow them to break the cycle of poverty in which their families have been trapped.

OvidiuRo’s programs offer material resources, knowledge and guidance to address the needs of children, their families, and their teachers. It is only through such coordinated efforts can there be significant, lasting change.

Over the past two decades, we have learned that providing materials without training teachers in how to maximize their use – or conversely, training teachers without providing them with adequate quality materials, severely limits the ultimate impact! But combining teacher training, quality resources, and the development of a community of committed teachers results in major advances in disadvantaged children’s readiness for primary school – all under the big umbrella of the Agency for Early Education.

OvidiuRo’s children’s programs are designed to make pre-school welcoming and effective. Recognizing the critical role of parents in the education process, our programs always include a parent component.

In addition to our programs dedicated to children and their teachers, we also have worked to improve legislation and created the premises for the Romanian government to issue and pass a new law on preschool education. The 248/ 2015 Law, which encourages and supports the regular attendance of 3-to 6-year-old children in grădiniță (preschool & kindergarten), was the result of a  pilot program conducted by OvidiuRo between 2010 and 2015.

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