When June 03, 2023 at 7:00pm CDT 2 hrs
Contact Adina Sandu [email protected]

Daddy Dear is a performance that explores the trauma children have from being raised in abusive families. If one is raised by an alcoholic does one become alcoholic? How should children be treated, and punished? Should they be punished? Does abuse lead to abuse? Can the cycle be broken? Is a child worth respect? These questions, and many more, will be answered in the performance. 

Daddy Dear provokes thoughts one might have never had, and address uncomfortable questions.  It stirs up memories that most of us have buried deep within.  Every performance has a different beginning, and a different ending, because just like the mind of an alcoholic it is forever unstable. 

Playwright, Director – Mike Savuica


Mike Savuica – Dick

Claudiu Dragomir – The dad

Andrei Dutu – Live Music, Michael, John

Age Guidance: 15+

Running Time: 55 min (no interval)

Festivals & Awards:

ToBe Antwerp Festival 2021 

Tamtam Brasov Festival 2021

IUGTE Performing Arts Conference 2021 (Austria)

Inlight Theatre Festival 2020 (won: Best Professional Actor & Best Playwright)

IUGTE Performing Arts Conference 2019

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