When September 16, 2023 at 9:00am CDT 2 hrs
Where ROCO Chicago
Contact Florin Pricop

Meet and greet the members of the Romanian delegation visiting Chicago

Teodora Nicu - Marketing Specialist,   MEWI 

Andrei Danescu - Brand Manager,    MEWI 

Cristina Bunescu - Technical; Manager Agricultural Solutions in Romania & Competence Center Manager,    BASF Romania 

Octavian Jitea - Sales Excellence Manager for Agricultural Solutions in Romania,    BASF Romania 

Dumitru Luca - Administrator,   ADF PROD 

Stefan Morosanu - Farmer, Agricultural Farm 

Constantin Foca - Administrator- Agricola Imperial 

Ioan Vornicu - Administrator and Unique Associate,   EuroSem BioAgrivor 


9 AM: Arrivals and Small Bites, Networking

10 AM: Friendly roundtable discussion 

  • Brief introduction about ROCO Chicago
  • Opportunities for investment in Romania in the agricultural sector

Who should join us

Anyone interested in: business networking, import-exports, farms, food manufacturers, producers, supply chain, agrotourism, and agtech businesses, and/or future business events.

Why join this event

  • Meet and greet the members of the Romanian delegation
  • Network with other investors and business people in the Chicago Romanian community
  • Learn how you can invest in Romania in the agricultural and agritech sectors

Their goal: participate in an agriculture conference. In Chicago, they are meeting with Bank of America and they would like to connect with our business community.

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