Dan Cosma

Ambassador of RoCo, Supporter of RoCo
Stefan Cristoltean

Founder, Cenaclu Retro
Sabin Farcas

Founder, Wild Bliss Organics
Is the co-founder and main shareholder in Wild Bliss Organics, a company that collects, processes, and sells Romanian organic medicinal teas on the US market.
Adrian Nechiti

Founder, Vox Maris Band
I always felt that something was missing in our Community, in Chicago, a central point of connection for our people. It was a dream "if somebody would open a Community Center for all of us, that would be nice ..."
Marius Stan

Board of Directors 
Scientist, Author and Actor
Marius is internationally recognized as one of the founders of computer simulation of complex phenomena. He was Principal Investigator at the Argonne Laboratory and an Associate Professor at the Univ. of Chicago and Northwestern University.

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