Chicago, IL, USA
🌎American Romanian Coalition for Human and Equal Rights🌍 ➖Advocates and acts for change ➖Anti-racism/Anti-discrimination grassroots activism➖
Cenaclul Retro
Dorința noastră este să vă aducem frumosul în viață şi lumina în suflet. Vă invităm să fredonăm împreună cântece dragi, să ne amintim de versurile din bibliotecile de acasă, să compunem poezii şi melodii noi, să simțim româneşte şi să visăm împreună.
Forumul Chitaristilor Romani din Chicago
Cultural Organization which promotes Romanian music and poetry in Romanian Community.
General Consulate of Romania in Chicago

Consulate General of Romania in Chicago
The consulate general of Romania in Chicago is located at 737 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 2300 and can be contacted by telephone on 312.573.1315 and 312.573.1436 as well as by email [email protected]
Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova  in Illinois
The Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Moldova in Illinois is a voluntary, non-salaried organization that represents Moldova's interests in the state of Illinois, but is not authorized to handle embassy matters such as visa and passport applications.
Moldovan American Convention (MAC)
Moldovan-American Convention is a public platform for dialogue and communication, advocating for expanding economic, cultural and political connections.
ROCO Chicago

Chicago, IL, USA
ROCO Chicago, the Romanian Community Center, is a modern center dedicated to engaging and supporting our community and accelerating Romanian businesses in Chicago. ROCO has minimal staff and works with hundreds of volunteers.
Romanian Tribune

Chicago, IL, USA
The Romanian Tribune newspaper, in its 21 years of existence, has published numerous articles on various subjects and themes, all of which have clearly contributed to cultivating a spirit of pride and appreciation for our Romanian origins.
ROMOTANA, the Romanian Moldovan Trucking Association of North America, is the first and only full-service trade association dedicated to the Romanian and Moldovan trucking community in North America
RTN Chicago
RTN News offers a summary of the most important political, socio-economic, and cultural events around the world through the lenses of the Gospel of Christ.
RUF - Romanian United Foundation
RUF is a 100% pass-through fundraising platform. We help diaspora & local nonprofits in Romania access the funding, tools, training, and support they need to become more effective. We do this by connecting NGOs, donors & volunteers from all over the world
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