Monday, 5PM CST Weekly Zoom Conference
Meeting ID: 754-299-1963 | Passcode: 1234
Call Us: Weekdays, 9-5
If this is an emergency, please stop and call 911 or 311
How Can ROCO Help
Thank you for choosing ROCO Chicago as your partner. The well-being of our community is our top priority. We know that we all can use helpful resources to manage everyday needs like:
- Grocery Delivery
- Pharmacies
- Financial Assistance
- Emotional Support
- Transportation
- Pet Care
- …and more
If any of these resources would be helpful, our volunteers are here to assist you with the highest quality services.
To assist you, we have made it possible for you to sign up for ROCO Wellist — our complimentary support program where you can find and connect to resources provided by local resources in our community.
We hope that you take advantage of all that our ROCO Wellist program has to offer. We’re here for you — and always will be.
ROCO Wellist Program Director
Unde pot revedea prezentarea/Where to get the presentation
Link to Google Slides Presentation
Link to Introduction Video:
Ce sa faci daca esti bolnav/What to do if you are sick
Covid-19: Unde gasesc mai multe informatii in Limba Romana?
Toate informatiile in Limba Romana
Am strans aici informatii in Limba Romana, relevante pentru orasul Chicago. Primul link are extrem de multa informatie
Chicago.Gov (tradus in Limba Romana)***
Site-ul nostru (tradus in Limba Romana)
Site-ul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe
COVID-19: Ce poti face daca esti in impas financiar / What to do if you are in financial distress
Ai ramas fara o sursa de venit? Esti ingrijorat in ceea ce priveste plata chiriei sau a altor facturi?
Has your income been cut or you no longer have a job? Worried about rent & payments?
Administratia Trump a transmis miercuri, 18 martie, ca Departamentul de Dezvoltare Urbana va suspenda pana la sfarsitul lunii aprilie toate evacuarile si executarile silite ale ipotecilor imobiliare.
Acestea fiind zise, e de preferat sa discuti cu proprietarul sau banca cu care ai imprumutul in cazul in care ai ramas fara sursa de venit. Puteti ajunge la o intelegere: o reducere temporara a sumei lunare care trebuie platita sau plata facuta in rate. Majoritatea bancilor sunt constiente de mediul financiar actual si sunt dispuse sa discute si sa ajunga la un conses si solutie.
If you are facing reduced hours or job loss and are worried about making your rent or mortgage payment this month, stay calm — President Trump said Wednesday that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will suspend “all foreclosures and evictions” through the end of April.
That said, you will still want to discuss your options with your mortgage lender or landlord if you have experienced a disruption in your income. Here are some steps to take now.Below is a list of websites to use if you are in financial distress:
What to do if you can't pay rent/mortgage
City of Chicago: Financial Assistance
COVID-19: How to get tested in Chicago
Marti, 19 martie 2020: pana in momentul actual exista cateva locatii unde puteti merge sa faceti testul.
Inainte sa-ti fie administrat testul, va trebui sa fii examinat. Nu toata lumea poate sau ar trebui sa fie testata (din pacate nu sunt destule teste)
In functie de spital si de felul testului efectuat rezultatele pot fi gata si se pot afla intre 6 ore si 4 zile.
Cel mai probabil va trebui sa suni sa faceti programare pentru testare.
Daca nu ai doctor de familie poti suna la 866-443-2584 pentru examinare.
Daca preferi sa vorbesti in romana, spaniola, franceza, italiana sau germana, te rugam sa contactezi cabinetul doamnei doctor Rusalina Mincu la 773.654.1082, sau pe celular: 224.619.5315 (email: [email protected])
Thursday, Mar 19: as of today there are several locations you can get tested at.
Before you get tested, you must get a screening. Not everyone can or should get tested (there are insufficient tests).
Depending on the hospital (and the type of test) used, your test may take between 6h or up to 4 days to get the results.
You have to call first and pass the screening (most likely).
If you do not have a family doctor, call 866-443-2584 for screening.
If you prefer to speak Romanian (or Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, or German), please call Dr. Rusalina Mincu's office 773.654.1082, or the cellular phone number: 224.619.5315 (email: [email protected])
Learn More
COVID-19: Care sunt simptomele Coronavirusului? / What are the Coronavirus symptoms?
Poti viziona acest video pentru a afla cum se manifesta si care sunt simptomele virusului.
Watch this video to learn more about the symptoms.
COVID-19: Where to get accuration information
Am ales surse sigure de informatii pentru tine.
Selected trustworthy sources of information for you.
Cate cazuri s-au inregistrat pana in prezent (global / pe tari)?
Sursa: worldometers.info/coronavirus
Incepand cu data de sambata, 21 martie, circulatia cetatenilor va fi restransa.
Sunt interzise grupurile cu mai mult de 10 persoane. Rezidentii nu au voie sa socializeze cu persoane care nu fac parte din familie. Asta inseamna ca nici macar intalnirile cu prietenii de familie nu sunt recomandate.
Parcurile de joaca vor fi inchise. Statul Illinois a inchis parcurile din domeniul silvic. Cetatenii pot continua sa se bucure de aerul curat si vremea frumoasa, atat vreme cat mention o distanta de 6 feet (2 metri) fate de altii.
How many people are currently infected / died / recovered (globally / by country)?
Source: worldometers.info/coronavirus
Information about Illinois and Chicago:
March 20, 2020 Update:
Gov. J.B. Pritzker issues order requiring residents to ‘stay at home’ starting Saturday
Covid-19: Cum putem ajuta / How we can help
Ai nevoie de ajutor cu mancare, medicamente, sau transport? Cunosti pe cineva in aceasta situatie?
Do you or someone you know need access to food, medicine, healthcare or transportation?
Situatia se schimba de la ora la ora. Incercam sa venim cu idei creative pentru a ajuta.
Daca tu, sau cineva cunoscut are nevoie de acces la mancare, medicamente, ajutor sau transport, va rugam folositi urmatorul formular pentru a va inregistra, sau sunati la numarul de telefon +1(773) 819-5337.
Link la formularul de inregistrare
The situation is fluid. We are trying to come up with creative ideas for helping out.
Do you or someone you know need access to food, medicine, healthcare or transportation?
COVID-19: Cum intri in legatura cu noi / How to get in touch with us
Ai intrebari sau doresti sustinere morala?
Do you have any questions or do you need help or comfort?
In fiecare zi de la 17 - 17.30 poti intra in legatura directa cu noi.
Video-conferinta zilnica 5-5:30 PM CST:
Online: https://zoom.us/j/7542991963, sau:
Telefonic: sunati la 312-626-6799, apoi introduceti Meeting ID: 754-299-1963 (Chicago)
Situații de urgență : Dacă vă aflați într-o situație de urgență, vă rugăm să sunați imediat la 411 sau 911.
Ajutor imediat : Pentru situații care nu sunt de urgență, dar dacă aveți nevoie de ajutor imediat, vă rugăm să sunați la linia telefonică: +1 (773) 819-5337
Join our daily web conference, 5-5:30 PM CST
Online: https://zoom.us/j/7542991963, or
Dial: 312-626-6799, then input Meeting ID: 754-299-1963 (Chicago)
We are in the middle of a dramatic, unprecedented situation that evolves from day to day or even from hour to hour. If you need anything, please let us know.
Emergencies: If you are in an emergency situation, please immediately dial 411 or 911.
Immediate Help: For non-emergency situations, but if you need immediate help, please call our hotline: +1(773) 819-5337
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