Marti, 19 martie 2020: pana in momentul actual exista cateva locatii unde puteti merge sa faceti testul.
Inainte sa-ti fie administrat testul, va trebui sa fii examinat. Nu toata lumea poate sau ar trebui sa fie testata (din pacate nu sunt destule teste)
In functie de spital si de felul testului efectuat rezultatele pot fi gata si se pot afla intre 6 ore si 4 zile.
Cel mai probabil va trebui sa suni sa faceti programare pentru testare.
Daca nu ai doctor de familie poti suna la 866-443-2584 pentru examinare.
Daca preferi sa vorbesti in romana, spaniola, franceza, italiana sau germana, te rugam sa contactezi cabinetul doamnei doctor Rusalina Mincu la 773.654.1082, sau pe celular: 224.619.5315 (email: [email protected])
Thursday, Mar 19: as of today there are several locations you can get tested at.
Before you get tested, you must get a screening. Not everyone can or should get tested (there are insufficient tests).
Depending on the hospital (and the type of test) used, your test may take between 6h or up to 4 days to get the results.
You have to call first and pass the screening (most likely).
If you do not have a family doctor, call 866-443-2584 for screening.
If you prefer to speak Romanian (or Russian, Spanish, French, Italian, or German), please call Dr. Rusalina Mincu's office 773.654.1082, or the cellular phone number: 224.619.5315 (email: [email protected])
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