Event page: How to Start and Successfully Run a Company
Moderators: Diana Dram, Cristian Merdariu, Mihai Lehene, Cristian Luput
Volunteers: ROCO Teens Volunteers
Thank you: Oana Militaru, Florian Militaru, Simona Oarga, Luminita Ispas, Catalin Oancea, Sabin Farcas, Mihai Lehene, Carmen Mihaila, Claudiu Cionca, Cristian Buzdugan, Diana Dram, Cristian Luput, Cristian Merdariu, Florin Pricop, Liviu Soneriu, Dana Surcel, Diana Soproni ActeRo, Marian Petruta, Octavian Prunuta, Irina Nedeljkovic, Diana Ulici, Oana Dobreanu, Andreea Rebaltescu, Georgiana Merdariu, Cosmina Ungur, Ligia Apostoaia, Cristina Haidau, George Czakvary si membrii ROCO Youth.
Florin Pricop
As a consultant, Florin is specialized in LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT and SALES. During his career he received his Executive Management from University of Notre Dame, helped many small companies or Nonprofit Organizations SCALE IT UP.
Is the founder of Advanced Networks that provides complete IT solutions and technology services to small businesses and non-profit agencies in the Chicago area.
Mihai Lehene
Board of Directors
Founding Angel
Founder, Romanian United Foundation
Volunteer (full)
Mihai is the Owner of MDL Investments, a real-estate and VC family-office with a focus on emerging technologies, including fintech, biotech and crypto. In 2020 Mihai resigned his business roles to run RUF, and in 2022 he was elected as President of FORA.
Luminita (“Lumi”) Ispas has been an award-winning top producer, an effective team leader, and a successful real estate investor & developer for more than 20 years.
Carmen Mihaila is a licensed insurance agent in the state of Illinois and has been representing Allstate Insurance Company for almost 20 years.
With over 17 Years of Real Estate sales and property management experience and as a licensed and certified manager of Comunity Associations, Dana provides top-notch service with every aspect of purchasing and selling a home.
Is the Founder of Protek-IT, where he successfully manages a team of eight highly skilled IT professionals, supporting over 100 Chicago businesses and non-profits.
Oana Militaru is a licensed attorney, admitted to practice law in the state of Illinois and U.S. District Court, Northern District of Illinois.
Is the co-founder and main shareholder in Wild Bliss Organics, a company that collects, processes, and sells Romanian organic medicinal teas on the US market.