Onita Circu

Founding Angel 
Honorary member of ROCO, Gala Fundraising Committee Chair
Real estate investor with over 15 years experience in accounting and property management. Graduated from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania with a Bachelor's degree in International Business. "Helping others it's a core part of who I am"
Oana Dobrean-Urzica

Founding Angel 
ROCO Executive Director
Oana is the Executive Director of ROCO. Prior to this role, she was one of the most active volunteers. She believes in the strength of our community, in doing good things, and in leaving something worthwhile behind.
Diana Dram

Board of Advisors 
Founding Angel 
GlobalRomania Business Connector Liaison & ROCO Business Chapter Lead
Diana is acting as Global Strategic Sourcing Director with McDonaldโ€™s. She leads business relationships and strategies that leverage scale for positive impact on the environment and communities globally.
Cristina Haidau

Volunteer, ROCO Edu Chapter Lead, Supporter of ROCO
Catalin Maticiuc

Founding Angel 
Founder & CEO, Forza Companies
Volunteer  Teacher 
Catalin is passionate about real estate investing, passive income, and world traveling.
Georgiana Merdariu

Founding Angel 
Chief Engagement Officer
Founding Member  Staff  Teacher 
Georgiana is bringing extensive experience in Communication & Marketing gained from her previous roles as a journalist in the biggest media trust in Romania and coordinator of international campaigns for well-established clients at Ogilvy and Grey G2.
Adrian Nechiti

Founder, Vox Maris Band
I always felt that something was missing in our Community, in Chicago, a central point of connection for our people. It was a dream "if somebody would open a Community Center for all of us, that would be nice ..."
Irina Nedeljkovic

RUF Core Team Member, ROCO Events Team Coordinator, "Trips To Romania" Program Manager
I've been volunteering for RUF and Via Transilvanica for a long time, and I absolutely love. I am currently organizing the RUF & Via Transilvanica trips to Romania every year.
Florin Pricop

As a consultant, Florin is specialized in LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT and SALES. During his career he received his Executive Management from University of Notre Dame, helped many small companies or Nonprofit Organizations SCALE IT UP.
Andreea Rebaltescu

Communications Director
CEO & Founder of Sun Media Shine Digital Marketing Agency and Cora Phenix Entertainment. Graduated from Gheorghe Dima Music Academy in Cluj, Romania, and studied drama at the University Babes Bolyai in the same city, entertainer and published author.
Paula Telcian

ROCO Chicago: Community Outreach Liaison
A dedicated leader that volunteers through her church and Romanian Community in Chicago. Passionate about teaching her culture, traditions, and faith to children and youth, organizes various social, cultural, and religious events in the community. Studie

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